Sunday 19 October 2008

Filming production

Yesterday my group came over to my house so we could film our preliminary task. First of all we had to get Maya and Sean into their costumes and do their hair and make-up before we could actually start the filming, once we had done that we had a couple of run through to make sure they knew exactly what they was doing and then we set up the equipment. When we started the filming we decided we was going to do each shot at a few different angles so we would have a variety of shots to choose from when it came to edit the footage. It was stressful filming the footage as Maya and Sean kept forgetting their lines which meant we had to film a shot over and over again. When we got half way through we thought we was doing so well until we realised that we never had the headphones and microphone connected to the camera so when we realised we had to go back and film all the shots that had dialogue again, this put us behind schedule but we still pulled through even though it took us linger than we thought it would. We carried on filming the production but we was having difficulties with the sound as we failed to hear anything through the headphones, we tried to fix them but we found that the only way you could hear was if the microphone was right at the persons mouth which meant you could see it in the shot and that just wouldn't work. We kept the microphone as close as possible without it being in the shot and just continued with the filming not knowing whether or not we would be able to hear it. Once the filming had come to an end we then packed away the equipment and just hoped for the best.

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